Saturday, January 27, 2018

How to Handle Corporate Events

We have worked with several corporate companies in the Philippines. And winning those pitches, helped our company ( make a huge leap in the industry. I have read so many books about handling corporate events. But, what I learned from reading is incomparable to the knowledge you will get from experience. Planning an event from the beginning requires a lot of attention. Make a calendar and make sure you follow it. Be strict with your deadlines. Hire good people to assist you in making the event possible. And, the most important is, on the day of  the event, get the best director. Someone who can see everything. From minor details to the big ones. Make sure you have a leader who does this for passion. If the work comes from the heart, no matter how exhausting and stressful the job is, it's nothing. If that person is willing to have sleepless nights just to make your event work, keep him. I came up with few advises on how to effectively manage a corporate event. I based it on my own experience. 

  • Research about the company you will handle. What services do they offer? Who are their corporate clients? Who are the decision makers? 
  • Listen to what your clients want. Make sure you pay attention to what they are saying. In the corporate world, their time is limited. So when they allot a meeting with you, it should be productive. 
  • Research on events trends this year. There could be some ideas they haven't heard about and it could help you win their trust because you do your research. 
  • Make sure you deliver. When you give them your word , do it. Because if you don't exceed their expectations, you might lose a client.
These are just part of what I learned and still learning about events management. I hope this helped you in planning your own events. 

Check out the events we handled and we would be happy to assist you. (

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